Sunday, January 20, 2019

Charuka Wickramasekara and Sharmini Serasinghe case

One instance where Sharmini Serasinghe's black character came out was her Facebook banter with Charuka Wickramasekara. What she was trying to do was hiding her father's rape case by trying to intimidate Charuka with threatening his job

Her personal attack on Charuka started as soon as he asked about her father's rape incident. But she was continuously deleting his comments to hide her father's guilt.

Despite answering these allegations, Sharmini Serasinghe started posting Charuka's photos on Facebook & Twitter and threatening him. 

All Sharmini Serasinghe was trying to scare Charuka off and hide her father's rape accusation. Charuka was brave enough not to consider her phone calls to his work place and keep on revealing what a black history Sharmini Serasinghe has with her past. 

Sharmini Serasinghe first threatened Charuka saying she will bring him to CID, once she learnt his working place she has started to defame his company and threatened she would bring him to FCID.

As Sharmini Serasinghe couldn't scare Charuka, She started defaming his company.

Sharmini Serasinghe claims she's from a high breed, but what she does in real life dragging someone's job is despicable even by the standard of a low caste old woman who makes her daily living by scavenging.

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