Pardon the ignorance of the buffoon who wrote this in 1978, but can you believe the mentality of a person who would quote such at this day and age?
Russians were the first in space. In fact the German Engineer’s who knew no English built the rocket for the Americans who knew English to go to the moon.
See her replies to those who counter her statement
How did the Japanese invent lean manufacturing?
How did China become the world's largest economy?
How did Russia send the first human being to space?
How did Ramanujan leave a mark in mathematics that is yet unrivalled?
How did Sri Lanka completely wipe off a terrorist group once heralded to be the most powerful in the world?
Sharmini Serasinghe should get off with her xenophobic high horse and understand that a language is just a means to an end. This attitude is the reason to why mind numbingly brilliant people, in our country, think they are not good enough to take on the world. Just because their english isn't superior enough. Because arrogant people like Sharmini Serasinghe feeds this baseless notion.
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