Saturday, January 12, 2019

Sharmini Serasinghe and her issue with lower castes


Sharmini Serasinghe, A former Rupavahini television English presenter, also represents pseudo-high class caste society of Sri Lanka recently slandered people with a toxic language for their castes. First she posted this status on Facebook saying that she is a "Walawe Hamu".

What she refers as "Walawe Hamu" literary means, “Walawe” or “Walawwa” (Mansions) owners were the landed elites of Ceylon (Old Sri Lanka), as such they gained a status of power and wealth. A notable feature of many of these walauwas. Usually these titles were given during the Colonial era by the British to the locals who supported them betraying their very own natives.

When people started to question her despicable post on social media, what she did was, start attacking those people personally dragging their work places and personal photos.

Dr. Ranga Weerakkody (Left), Consultant Nephrologist at Jaffna Teaching Hospital is a Royalist(Top most boy’s school in Sri Lanka) and  originally from Colombo. He’s serving hundreds of miles away from his home purely to help the rural community. Sharmini Serasinghe’s daughter-in-law is a Vellar (Highest caste in Jaffna) , and she was bragging about it in this post. And as the Nephrologist in Jaffna, Dr Ranga Weerakkody has pointed out the reality to her that they don't give a hoot to the caste. 

For an illness caste does not matter, people can die despite their caste. In case of a dialysis or a kidney transplant, The dialysis machines don't recognize caste. And Vellars don't mind receiving a kidney from a low caste to continue their lives as well.

The problem Sharmini Seresinghe has is, Her father’s whole property was sold off and they’ve become bankrupted. Thanks for the Western Education and Contacts at higher places Sharmini Serasinghe has managed to get a job for her survival. Even her 2 marriages are like that. What she’s doing is boasting about her past and trying to get respect that nobody is giving her like colonial times.

Her father was bankrupted, and he’s accused of a rape case. Sharmini Serasinghe is claiming half of the Sri Lankans as lowlives, But how anyone would respect someone like this?

1 comment:

  1. Recently, I came to know her through Twitter and realised that she is someone who looks down on everyone who has a different opinion than hers.
